NOW AVAILABLE: Donnacha Dennehy's "Surface Tension / Disposable Dissonance"

top to bottom: Donnacha Dennehy, Third Coast Percussion, Crash Ensemble

top to bottom: Donnacha Dennehy, Third Coast Percussion, Crash Ensemble


Donnacha Dennehy's
Surface Tension / Disposable Dissonance

feat. Third Coast Percussion & Crash Ensemble

learn more + stream/support here

New Amsterdam Records is excited to announce the release of Donnacha Dennehy’s Surface Tension / Disposable Dissonance. The album is named for the two single-movement compositions featured on the recording — “Surface Tension,” which is performed by Chicago-based, Grammy-winning percussion quartet Third Coast Percussion, and “Disposable Dissonance,” which is performed by the Dublin-based and internationally renowned Crash Ensemble, which Dennehy founded.

The album is available on Bandcamp, iTunes, and streaming on SpotifyApple Music, and other digital service providers.

“Donnacha Dennehy has a soundworld all of his own.”

The Wire